Awakening Page 4
Sam nodded. “Yes, there’s a file. Confession time. I haven’t had a chance to actually look at your file yet, but I will. I’m much more interested in what’s not in your file. Your driver’s license and social security card only prove your identity, but they don’t show me who you are.” He sighed. “I only arrived a couple of days ago myself, and it’s been hectic getting everything set up. Most of the other volunteers arrived yesterday, and I’ve been a little busy.”
“You don’t owe me any explanations.”
“I still wanted you to know.” Sam pulled his sunglasses from his pocket and positioned them on his face. “I’m taking a crew over to the building site in a half hour if you want to join us and get started on one of the houses. It’d be a good opportunity to meet some of the other volunteers. But if you want to stay in the dorm—unpack and get oriented to the camp—that’s fine, too, especially since you just arrived.”
When she didn’t answer right away, Sam plundered on. “How handy are you at swinging a hammer?”
“As handy as you are at charming the girls, I’m sure.” Lexa turned away as her cheeks grew warm. She resisted the urge to put her hands on either side of her face. Nothing like snippy, sarcastic comments to keep men at bay. It had always proved a surefire method before. She had the feeling this particular man was different and looked at her as a challenge.
He didn’t miss a beat. “Nah. These girls around here are only interested in me for my brawn, not my brain.”
Lexa tamped down the laugh threatening to erupt. “That doesn’t appeal to you?”
It was Sam’s turn to laugh. “No, Miss Clarke. I’m looking for a real woman.” With his deep drawl, it sounded exactly like the kind of thing a Texas cowboy would say. Bring on the horse, the barking canine companion and the cattle drive. Time for the roundup.
Lexa couldn’t resist the bait. “And what qualifications must a real woman have to gain your attention?”
Sam’s expression sobered. “The only qualification, as you put it, is that she has to have a strong commitment to the Lord.”
Whatever she expected to hear, it wasn’t that. “That’s it? Seriously?”
“Yep. That’s about it.”
“What about looks?” That might sound shallow, but surely looks ranked high on the list for a man like Sam.
“What about them?” he countered, pinning her down with that blue-eyed gaze. “I’ve been around long enough to know that beauty is surface gloss, only an added bonus. It’s what’s in here that counts.” He put his hand above his heart. “Beauty is all in how a woman responds to life’s challenges, and grows from her experiences.”
“Well, that’s a perfectly lovely sentiment, and no offense, but it sounds like something straight out of Dating 101 for Christian men.” Perhaps she should have thought that one out before spouting it out. “I didn’t mean to sound so derogatory. Of course, you have a right to your opinion.” Only dating strong Christian women and not caring about looks? No way on earth could she accept that as the truth about this man.
“No offense taken. If you want to know the truth, I personally like a little spice in a woman.”
Lexa threw her head back with laughter. “Spice? Like what? A little salt, perhaps?” She started to walk away, but not before she glimpsed his wide grin.
“No.” He caught up to her in one large step. “More like paprika. Someone to keep my eyes wide open and on my toes.” Sam stopped walking. “Are you flirting with me, Miss Clarke?”
“Never!” she protested, grinning back at him over her shoulder as she moved forward. “I don’t know why you’d think such a thing, Mr. Lewis.” In the course of only a few hours, she’d said something similar to him at least twice. This was getting ridiculous.
No matter his protests to the contrary, a man like Sam wouldn’t fall for just any solid Christian woman either—plain Jane or not. If that was the case, he would have married a long time ago. Any one of the girls in Sam’s TeamWork camp should qualify. He didn’t wear a wedding ring, and he didn’t strike her as the type to ever divorce a woman. No, he’d stick it out in a loveless marriage. He’d be faithful and loyal to the end. Besides, no woman in her right mind would ever divorce a man like Sam.
Lexa didn’t want to consider the possibility he was a widower with a dead wife and a slew of kids back home in Houston. She wouldn’t wish something like that on the poor guy, pining away for some saintly but deceased woman who’d stolen his heart and left him with a bunch of kids to raise all by his lonesome. Sounded like the plot of a romance novel or some sappy television movie.
Sometimes she thought she could write her own romance novels with all the crazy thoughts dancing in her mind. What in the world was she thinking? Lexa shook her head and tried to hide her soft laughter.
“Definitely spicy.”
Lexa heard it clear as a bell before Sam caught up to her again. Her heart beat wildly in her chest. This was not a good sign. Not at all. Talk about a hopeless romantic.
“So, are you game to come along with my group this afternoon?”
Again, she couldn’t resist a grin. “Why not? I think that’s why I’m here, after all. Besides, it doesn’t look like I’ll have a better offer the rest of the afternoon. Unless that old chain gang decides to show up, of course.”
He laughed. “I’m meeting everyone in front of the dining tent in half an hour. Remember, the afternoon sun can get really hot.” His gaze brushed over her fair arms. “Be sure and put on some sunscreen, but water is provided.”
Lexa nodded. “I’ll be there, ready to work.” She felt Sam’s smile all the way down to her toes.
He tipped his hat as she turned toward Building Seven. Her head high, Lexa sensed a certain pair of light blue eyes on her the entire way. She focused on picking up her feet and not stumbling. Heaven help her when she put on those heavy work boots back at the dorm. That would be the real test of walking.
It was unnerving knowing the TeamWork leader watched. Lexa dared not look back over her shoulder this time. If she did, she feared she might just turn to dust or at least be rendered unsteady on her feet and incredibly weak in the knees.
Two hours later, Lexa sat back and wiped her wet brow with the back of her hand. It was so humid, she felt sticky all over. She’d changed into denim shorts and an Astros T-shirt for the worksite, but the backs of her knees were practically fused together. Even though it was equally hot in Houston, she wasn’t used to manual labor under the blazing sun. It was sweaty and hard. But another part of her loved it. It was a rewarding release of energy and cathartic in several ways.
“Here, have a drink of water.”
Lexa accepted the cold cup of ice water from Rebekah with a grateful smile. Tipping that cup over and letting it fall on her head sounded like a pretty good proposition, too, but thirst won out. She remembered Sam’s comment about getting used to the heat. Right now, that didn’t seem possible.
“Thanks.” She drained half the glass before stopping. “I definitely needed that.”
“Yeah,” Rebekah agreed, swinging her long, tanned legs around to sit beside Lexa on a stack of cement blocks. “You have to keep hydrating yourself in this heat, and you’d better get a hat or you’ll get a serious sunburn. We blondes have to stick together. Did you bring a hat?”
Lexa shook her head. “No, as a matter of fact. Call it an unfortunate lack of foresight.” She frowned. It was pretty careless not to think of something so practical. Not to mention sunglasses. Served her right for not following the suggested packing list.
“You can’t be expected to think of everything. I’ll check around and see if anyone has an extra. If they don’t, maybe we can get Sam to run us into town in the morning. Well, I’d better go see if anyone else needs a drink of water. See you later.” Rebekah tossed a wave over her shoulder as Lexa called out her thanks.
“Lovely girl, isn’t she?”
Squinting in the blinding after
noon sunlight, Lexa shielded her eyes with one hand while nodding in agreement. “Yes, she is.” She rose from her position to gain a better view of the blond man standing beside her. “Nice, too.”
“I suppose she’s nice enough if you’re not related to her.” He extended his hand. “Josh Grant.” His smile deepened the color of his Oz-like emerald green eyes. A lot of women would follow that proverbial yellow brick road all the way home if it led to this man.
“Rebekah’s brother.” One eyebrow raised. He did bear an uncanny resemblance to her statuesque, blonde roommate. “Twin brother, to be exact. Of course, I’m the better looking of the two of us.”
“And certainly the most humble. Nice to meet you. I’m Lexa Clarke.”
“I know. Beck pointed you out at lunch, but things were kind of hectic so I didn’t get over to meet you. My mistake.” His grin was playful. “Is this your first TeamWork mission?” Those green eyes looked at her with unabashed interest.
“Is it that obvious?”
“No, but I’m sure I’d remember if I’d met you at a TeamWork camp before.”
Smooth operator, this one. Lexa handed him a hammer. “Here. Channel all that charm and make yourself useful. I need some help.” Josh laughed and winked. She explained the job of hammering thick strips of wood together. Together they made much quicker work of the assignment than she could have done by herself.
An unsettled feeling came over her at one point. Glancing up from her work, Lexa spotted Sam standing about a hundred yards away. He’d changed into khaki shorts and brown, sturdy work boots. Caught staring, Sam raised his hand. Even so, the look on his face struck her as odd. Call it intuition, but Lexa wondered if it had something to do with the man working beside her. Returning Sam’s wave, she lowered her head and tried to focus on Josh’s latest story.
Like his sister, Rebekah’s twin kept up a steady stream of conversation. He asked her questions about her work and life in Houston. Ambitious and forward-thinking, Josh already graduated college a year ahead of Rebekah and planned to begin law school the week after their TeamWork mission ended.
Not wanting to lose her concentration, Lexa nodded as they worked to indicate she listened. As much as anything else, she wanted to prove her worth as a hard worker. To herself as much as to one extremely tall cowboy.
“I’ve got to grab a quick shower before dinner.” Lexa walked alongside Rebekah as they returned to the dorm late in the afternoon. At least the sun wasn’t quite so high on the horizon, and a slight breeze broke the monotony of the heat.
“We take about three showers a day around here.” Another girl jumped off her bed and moved forward. “Hi, Lexa. I’m Amy Jacobsen. We met in the canteen earlier, but I don’t expect you to remember my name.” Amy pushed a strand of shoulder-length, dark hair behind one ear and gave her a friendly smile.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Lexa returned the other girl’s smile. “There’s so many names to learn, and forget about last names.” After all, she was better with numbers, not people.
Amy nodded. “It seems impossible, but you’ll surprise yourself at how quickly you’ll learn. Don’t give up. Here you go.” Grabbing a piece of paper tacked by the front door, she thrust it in Lexa’s hand. “This is a list of everyone here in the camp. It’ll help you. Do you need soap for the shower or anything?”
“I think I have everything I need, thanks.” Lexa glanced down at the long list of names, knowing they wouldn’t mean anything until she could associate them with faces. She unzipped her suitcase and retrieved a bath towel. That shower was going to feel so good, and the hot water would soothe her tired, aching muscles. Nonetheless, it was true—hard, honest labor was incredibly satisfying.
“I understand you met my notorious twin brother.” Finished with their showers a short time later, Rebekah scooped her long hair into a pony tail as Lexa braided her damp hair in front of the small square mirror mounted on the wall.
“Josh is very nice.”
“Watch him, Lexa. He makes people laugh and they end up smashing their fingers with hammers and stuff like that. In other words, he’s a work hazard, dangerous to be around when you’re working.” Rebekah hastily threw everything into a bag and shoved it underneath her bed.
“Thanks. I’ll take it under advisement.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” With a parting wave, Rebekah headed out of the building with Amy.
“Do I have time for a quick nap before dinner?” Lexa asked the other girl sitting alone on another single bed in the otherwise empty women’s dorm.
She nodded her short-cropped, dark head. “Ye–ye–yes bu–but only a–a sh–sh–short one.” Her voice was quiet and accompanied by a shy, but very sweet, smile.
Dropping down onto her bed, Lexa sighed. “Maybe I’ll read then,” she commented, more to herself than the other girl. If she didn’t nap long enough, she’d get grumpy. She wanted to be as agreeable as possible for this summer assignment. As it was, the high humidity wasn’t doing any favors for her disposition.
It wasn’t long before the dinner gong sounded. Her roommate closed her Bible and put it on her pillow. Her bed was incredibly neat, the sheets and lightweight blanket tucked in at the corners with near-military precision.
“I’m Lexa. What’s your name?” They walked out of the building together in the direction of the dining tent.
“Sh–Sh–heila,” came the soft reply.
Lexa looked over at her and smiled. “Are you from Texas, too?”
Sheila’s dark eyes widened and she shook her head, but it was hard to determine her response. She met Lexa’s eyes for a split second before turning away, avoiding her gaze. But not before Lexa caught the look of fear in her deep brown eyes. It was only there for a fleeting second, but there was no mistaking it. What’s this girl afraid of? Even the way Sheila walked, with her shoulders hunched and her head down, she looked afraid of her own shadow.
Entering the large dining tent, Lexa heard her name being called. Josh waved an arm in her direction. It was like being invited to sit at the popular kids’ table in school. Intending to invite Sheila to join her as she threaded her way among the long tables, Lexa watched her head off in another direction.
“Ah, Miss Clarke. I’m so glad you’ve decided to join us this evening. I trust you feel refreshed?” Josh grinned, Rebekah rolled her eyes, and the others within range laughed. “Here, sit by me.” He moved over on the bench and patted the seat beside him.
“Thanks.” Lexa glanced around the table at the other smiling faces. As she waited for the blessing, Lexa’s focus settled on the person she’d unconsciously been seeking. Sam. Sitting a few tables away, he faced her, engaged in conversation with a man she recognized as another new volunteer. A shock of wavy dark hair fell across Sam’s forehead beneath the ever-present cowboy hat.
Watching him, Lexa wished she could tuck his hair out of the way of those piercing blue eyes. Stop it, Lexa. She’d never had the desire to run her fingers through a man’s hair before. Why now? Why here? It made no sense.
She drew in a quick breath when his eyes met hers. He nodded and gave her a small salute, sending her pulse into overdrive. This, too, was getting ridiculous. Besides his obvious good looks, what was it about this man that intrigued her? Shaking her head and trying to regain her concentration, Lexa listened to the various conversations around the table.
“Where’s Sam?” Josh looked around the tent. “He’d better pray soon, or I’m going to have to do it. We can’t sit around starving all night, waiting for him to finish his conversation.” He motioned to Sam. “Hey Sam, pray for this meal already, will you?” Spontaneous laughter and a smattering of applause broke out as everyone turned in Sam’s direction.
Rising to the occasion, their leader rose to his feet. The smile lines were very much in evidence as he removed his hat, clasped it in front of him, and bowed his head. “Let’s pray.”
Glancing around as everyone around her bowed, Lex
a admired the respect Sam commanded from his crew of volunteers. It was as though he was their leader in an army. It was an army of sorts, kind of like God’s army. A snippet of a song from childhood Sunday school class floated into her mind. Maybe some things you don’t forget. They just get pushed back a bit in the mind. It was something about being in the Lord’s army . . . shoot the artillery . . . fight in the cavalry . . . Closing her eyes, Lexa bowed her head and concentrated on Sam’s words.
“We thank you for bringing these wonderful people here to help us out in our work this summer. We thank you for bringing our newest volunteers to us today. We pray for your watchcare over us, and we thank you for this food that’s been prepared. Most of all, Father, we pray for the salvation of those we’re here to help. Help us to impress upon them the need for the Savior in their lives so that they might see your mighty power and the glory of your name.”
A rousing chorus of amens echoed throughout the group in the tent as Sam sat back down and the meal began.
Looking around the group of about sixty workers, Lexa spied Amy pouring drinks. Three other girls and two guys served the barbecued beef sandwiches. It was only a matter of time before she’d be expected to pitch in and do her part. Good. Being on a list would help her feel included, a part of the group. She’d look forward to it.
“Those sandwiches smell great,” Rebekah commented as one of the servers brought the plate of steaming food to their table. Lexa didn’t realize how hungry she was until she took her first bite of the sandwich. Soon, she ate with relish, marveling at her own voracious appetite.
“It’s something about the heat and hard work.” Rebekah nodded at Lexa’s empty plate. “People either lose their appetite or find themselves incredibly hungry. It seems to have the latter effect on you.”
“I’m going to have to watch it or I’ll gain weight this summer.” Lexa chose an apple from the bowl of fruit on the table.