Awakening Page 8
When he started to open the door of the dorm, Rebekah stretched an arm around him and held it firmly in place. “Excuse me, but since when do you barge in here without so much as a knock?”
“Oh, I didn’t think. Sorry.” Throwing a look back at Rebekah a split second later, he hollered, “Ladies, I hope you’re decent because I’m coming in now!” Flinging the door wide, Sam stomped inside.
Five pairs of eyes stared at him, wide-eyed, as Sam stormed into the center of the room. Thank the Lord they were decent in spite of his impulsive act of barging in on them. The braided wonder was already making him crazy, in more ways than one. Normally, he never would have rudely barged into the women’s dorm unannounced. As Sam focused on Lexa’s still-empty bunk, he waited a moment until his eyes adjusted to the dim light.
“Have any of you seen Lexa this afternoon?”
Winnie, Amy, Natalie, Kim and Monica all shook their heads and stared at him without saying a word. “No one’s seen, heard from, or even talked with Lexa this entire afternoon?” Again with the head shaking. “Well, she’s got to be somewhere!” His voice was gruff with impatience. Sam shoved the screen door open without ceremony and stamped back outside. He almost mowed down Sheila in the process. “Sheila!”
The timid girl shrank away from him, her shoulders more hunched than usual. “Ye–yes–yes?” Shaken, her eyes cast downward at the ground.
Pausing, Sam tamped down his rising frustration. “Have you seen Lexa this afternoon? She didn’t show up for dinner, and Rebekah and I are a little concerned.”
Sheila shifted her feet and appeared anxious, but remained silent.
“Sheila, please tell us if you know anything, have any idea where she might be.” Sam wanted to take her by the arms and force her to look at him, but it would probably scare the poor woman to death. He’d noticed how Lexa befriended her at the morning Bible study. If Lexa had spoken to any of them, it would have been either Rebekah or this one.
Why was his heart racing like it was going to fly out of his chest? Even though Sam knew his reaction was extreme, he couldn’t help himself. He didn’t like feeling out of control.
“I–I–I s–s–saw h–her.”
Sam strained forward to hear. “You did? Where? What did she say?”
“I–I,” the girl stuttered, swallowing hard and closing her eyes to concentrate, “I th–th–think I– I kno–know wh–wh–where sh–she is.”
“Where, Sheila? Where’s Lexa?”
“Th–th–the wor–worksite,” she sputtered. Dark eyes finally met his.
“Thanks. I appreciate your help.” He hoped his tone sounded less gruff. “You did the right thing telling me. I just pray she’s all right.”
“Me–me, t–t–too.”
He was touched by the concern in her timid voice. Smiling to reassure her, Sam turned to go.
“Are you taking the car?” Rebekah followed him back out the door.
“It’s probably best, in case she needs medical attention.” He ran a hand over his brow. “Beck, what in the world is Lexa doing out there on her own? Doesn’t she know how dangerous it can be in this heat if she doesn’t have enough water . . .” His voice trailed, his brows drawn tight. “What’s she trying to do, trying to prove?”
Rebekah shook her head. “Beats me. Lexa Clarke seems to operate under her own set of rules. Your guess is as good as mine. Do you want me to come along?”
Sam shook his head. “I think I can handle this one on my own. Just say a prayer for me to hold my tongue once I find her. Lord help her then.”
“Down, boy. Something tells me Lexa already learned her lesson if she’s been out at the worksite by herself all day. That sun’s pretty brutal. Like you said, I hope she had a water bottle.”
Rebekah’s frown worried him even more. They shared a look. She thought of Shelby, just as he did. He couldn’t afford to lose another volunteer on his watch. It was not going to happen.
“Bring her back safe and sound, Sam.”
“Thanks, Beck. I’ll do my best,” Sam promised with a mock salute. Spurred by an overwhelming sense of urgency, he sprinted to the station wagon parked beside his office. Sliding behind the wheel, he dug into the pocket of his shorts for the keys. Remembering they hung on a ring on the pegboard in his office, Sam grunted as he flung open the car door. Back at the car in less than a minute, he revved up the engine and sped off in a swirl of dust for the half-mile drive.
As he drove the short distance, he prayed for the Lord to keep Lexa safe. At least until he got there. Then she’d probably need protection—from the wrath of Sam.
Staring at her swollen thumb, Lexa shifted her feet. They’d fallen asleep again. Every time she started to climb down from her position, the armadillo made its indescribable sound and moved in her direction. How silly to be so intimidated by one of God’s creatures, no matter how incomprehensible it seemed that the Almighty could create something so odd.
“This is absolutely ridiculous!” Her words carried off into what little wind stirred. “I’m actually scared of an armadillo.” She raised her knees with extreme care and rested her chin on them. Oh, where’s a good cowboy when you need one? She was going to grow old before this thing either left or her prince in shining armor came to rescue her.
Lexa called to the armadillo. “Are you my prince in shining armor?” After all, he did have an armor of sorts. “Sorry, but you’re not exactly what I had in mind.” She sighed. Of course, it was supposed to be her knight in shining armor, but she might as well set her sights a bit higher. Why settle for a knight when a prince would do quite nicely?
Without a doubt, she was certifiable. Not to mention dehydrated. The heat from the sun made her loopy. The sting of her arms was uncomfortable after sitting even closer to the sun for hours on end. Thank goodness she possessed enough foresight and brain cells to tug the hat over her head and guzzle a gallon of water before climbing to her perch. Still, at the rate she was going, they’d find her all shriveled up, still sitting on this beam in the morning when the TeamWork volunteers returned to the worksite. Or else in a crumpled heap on the ground below. Lexa shuddered at the thought.
After speeding into the worksite in a swirling cloud of dust, Sam stepped out of the car and watched as a spooked armadillo waddled off into the brush as fast as it could go. Hearing something from above, he glanced up at the top of the house. The last thing in the world he expected to find was Lexa Clarke sitting on the highest beam of one of the houses, talking to herself and laughing. From what he could tell, she’d attracted an armadillo to her collection of admirers and was afraid to climb down for some reason. He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped.
Lexa leaned over to look at the ground below. In her shock at seeing him, she lost her balance and pitched forward, arms and legs flailing. A scream escaped, and a terrified look crossed her face. My, oh my, that sweet voice held amazing lung power as she cried out his name and fell toward the hard ground. Danger was always a good motivator. Thank goodness he was close enough to hopefully reach her in time, and the Lord blessed him with long limbs. At the moment, they were made for one purpose only.
Rushing into action, Sam ran with outstretched arms and positioned himself directly below her. As Lexa fell into the cradle of his arms, they both tumbled to the ground in a sprawling tangle of limbs. At least his much larger body cushioned her fall, but she was right on top of him.
“Ouch,” Sam muttered a moment later, gasping as he tried to catch his breath. All that came out were sputtering coughs.
“Ouch.” Lexa tossed her braid behind one shoulder and echoed his cough with a hearty rendition all her own. Sam avoided touching her as she painstakingly extracted herself. She sat up on her knees and massaged the back of her neck. He was glad she’d moved. It was . . . unsettling. Her cheeks were flaming red, but it wasn’t from sunburn. Served her right. At least she had the decency to look remorseful.
“Are you okay?” When Sam didn’t immediately answer, Lexa crouched over him and touched the middle of his chest with a cautious finger. “Are you okay?” she repeated, more urgent this time. “Speak to me. Oh, good heavens, you’re not dying are you?” Her voice sounded panicked.
“Stop poking me. I’ll live,” Sam answered, his voice testy. He couldn’t ignore the way her touch electrified him. Sent every nerve ending into instant overdrive. That small hand rested right above his heart, bunching up his shirt. Swatting her fingers away before she moved them and caused even more trouble, he struggled to sit up on his elbows. “Alexis Clarke, what do you think you’re doing out here by yourself?”
“You mean on a Sunday, don’t you?” And there it was. That saucy, I-dare-you-to-tell-me-what-to-do expression. Crossing her arms, she glared at him with that increasingly familiar defiance.
“I repeat, what are you doing out here by yourself? It was a very foolish thing to do. I hope you realize that now.” Maybe he should quiet his tone, but she needed to learn a lesson.
“Yes, Mother.” Lexa dusted off her hands and rose to a standing position. “Here.” She offered her hand. “The least I can do is give you a hand up. After all, I suppose you saved me.”
“Don’t do me any favors.” When she roared, he shook his head. The woman confounded the bounds of normal propriety. “You’re a very strange woman. I don’t quite know what to make of you. Are you always this much trouble back home in Houston?”
Waving away her hand, Sam pulled himself to his feet and dusted his hands. His pulse throbbed, his heart pounded in his chest. He was dizzy, but not from having the wind knocked out of him. He didn’t care to stop and examine the reasons why.
“Don’t you dare laugh at me, Sam Clarke.” That defiant chin tilted upward.
“Lewis.” He towered over her, but every defense crumbled as Sam lost himself in those challenging eyes, those tempting lips. She looked like she wanted to slap him or . . . More than anything on earth, he needed to play this one out.
“Lewis, what?” Lexa stepped backward—a slow, baby step. Her eyes grew wide, and she shook her head and averted her eyes. He liked that she was rattled enough to say the wrong name. Liked her off balance.
“My name. You just called me Sam Clarke. My name’s Lewis. Yours is Clarke.” His voice sounded odd—husky and thick. Sam understood it meant trouble, but nothing was stopping him now.
“Do you realize what you just said?”
Part of him wanted to run in the opposite direction, but Sam kept both feet firmly planted on the ground. Oh no, he wasn’t going anywhere soon. Neither was she since she made no move to flee. He lowered his head, his lips hovering above hers, only an inch away as he searched for a clue to what she wanted. Sam glimpsed his own hunger mirrored in those gorgeous eyes.
“Together, you and me, we’re Lewis and Clarke,” Lexa mumbled. “You know, the explorer team?” Her question held a sense of wonder. Her eyes swept across his face and fell on his lips.
Unless he was misreading her—and that was a distinct possibility—Lexa wanted it as much as he did. “I’ve heard of them.” He was only interested in exploring one thing. Hauling her into the circle of his arms, Sam ran out of patience. It was a move worthy of The Duke in one of his western movies. He’d never wanted to kiss a woman more in his life. He might regret what he was about to do, but nothing was stopping him now.
“I’m going to kiss you, Miss Clarke. If it’s possible, please be quiet and try to enjoy it.” That statement even sounded like The Duke. Sam’s fingers tightened around her tiny waist, pulling her even closer, his lids lowering. They felt heavy, as if under the spell of a potent drug. He was powerless.
“Make me,” Lexa challenged, her voice husky now, too.
Bringing his lips down on hers, Sam covered her mouth with his own and kissed this feisty woman with passionate abandon. Something about her brought out long-dormant instincts. For one thing, she poured her energies into a heart-stopping kiss. He could feel the tension slowly easing from her body as Lexa relaxed in his arms and sighed a little against his lips. Sam wasn’t sure how he stayed on his feet, but he needed to keep them upright. Never in his life had he felt so alive. Or so out of control.
He needed to stop. He needed to back away from her now and not look back. But she responded to him in the way he hoped yet dreaded she would. Her lips were so lush and soft, and Sam wanted so much more. Things he shouldn’t think about as a Christian man, a leader and mentor for the younger men. If needed, he’d pray for forgiveness . . . later. All he could concentrate on was the woman in his arms. As he kissed Lexa like a starving man at a feast, he lost track of time, dizzy with her nearness and the undeniable force of their attraction.
In that moment, Sam knew he was lost.
Forcing himself to finally back away, he released her. How long had it gone on? His stare met hers as he tried to regain his shaken composure. “I’m sorry,” he muttered, half under his breath. In his heart, he wasn’t sorry, but he didn’t want Lexa to think he intended to take advantage of the situation. Didn’t intend to devour her lips, but he’d certainly claimed them.
They’d only known each other for two days. He’d already asked her out, and now he’d practically mauled her with his lips. What on earth was wrong with him? He’d never acted this stupid or impulsive around a woman in his entire life. He didn’t regret it for one moment, but he had a reputation to uphold in the TeamWork camp.
Serious prayer was definitely in order. He’d be on his knees tonight. Lexa Clarke would keep him on his toes, but the signs were already there she’d keep him on his knees on a regular basis.
“I said I’m sorry, Lexa.” His gaze focused on the ground although he knew she watched. Seemed that kissing quieted this intriguing woman. He’d have to tuck that tidbit away in case it came into play later on. A full minute passed without either of them speaking.
“Sorry for what, exactly?” Lexa blinked hard, those lush eyelashes fluttering against reddened cheeks. Her fingers moved to her mouth and she left them on her lips.
If her muddled emotions were anything like his, Lexa must be more than confused. But it was also pretty great in a lot of respects. His mouth still stung from their prolonged kiss. He’d feel it for a long time, forget it never. Sam scratched his head, knowing his dazed expression must mirror hers.
“I’m sorry for telling you to be quiet. I’ve never said that to a woman before.” There was more to it than that, but he wasn’t talking. Not about that. Not now.
“I’m afraid I provoked it. And, for the record, you did say please.”
“Yeah, well, we’d better be getting back to the campsite.” Walking past Lexa, Sam retrieved her hat and waited for her to catch up. Together, they silently hobbled back toward the station wagon. “Are you okay?” He tugged open the passenger door and waited. “If you’re hurt, please tell me.”
He wondered if he should fill out an incident report. As TeamWork leader, he should, but he didn’t want her to get in trouble for breaking the rules. It might send her running all the way back to Houston. Sam didn’t want to risk that happening. She was equal parts annoying, fascinating, challenging . . . and fun. Oh yes, he wanted to keep her around all right.
“Other than having a bad sunburn and hurt pride, I think I’ll live.” Lexa climbed into the car. Leaning her head back against the seat, she released a deep sigh.
“Just do me one favor.” Sam slid onto the seat beside her.
“Depends.” Lexa crossed her arms again. “Okay,” she relented. “I’ll try my best. What’s the favor?”
“The next time you decide to do something foolish, ask someone else to come along. And here,” he said, reaching into the backseat and thrusting a water bottle in her hands, “drink some of this. Your mouth must be a little dry by now.”
His humor recovered, Sam laughed when Lexa gaped at him. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s not polite to stare?” he teased, pulling out of t
he clearing in yet another cloud of dust.
After her shower, Lexa sat cross-legged on her bed, towel drying her hair. Even though she’d been a fool and falling on top of Sam at the worksite had been the ultimate humiliation, she smiled. She’d never been kissed like that in her entire life. Never kissed a man like that. Her breath slowly filtered back into her body. As difficult as it was for her to believe, Lexa suspected Sam hadn’t kissed a woman in a long time. He must be making up for lost time. In a big way.
Noting a lump under the bedcovers, Lexa pulled aside the lightweight blanket and spied yet another Bible. Did everyone at the Bible study notice she didn’t have one? This one was well-worn in the extreme. Fingering its binding with reverence, she recognized its owner before she turned it over and saw Sam’s name embossed on the front cover.
Judging from the Bible she’d seen him hold at the bonfire and again this morning, Lexa figured he must have gone through a dozen of the Good Books in his lifetime. It was something he treasured. Because his faith and God’s Word meant so much to Sam, she appreciated his thoughtfulness in giving it to her. It was a precious gift.
Opening to the dedication page, Lexa ran her finger over his handwritten name. Samuel J. Lewis, Jr. She wondered if the small, precise lettering was his. Wincing because of her sore thumb, Lexa stopped when she reached the book of Jonah. She read how the Lord commanded Jonah to go and preach in the city of Nineveh as a result of the wickedness there. Instead, Jonah took off in the opposite direction and headed for Tarshish. He boarded a ship and the Lord sent a storm upon the ship—a storm so great the sailors cried out to their own gods to save them. Confronting Jonah, the sailors demanded to know what he’d done to so anger God.
Closing the Bible, Lexa’s brow creased. Was God mad at her? Mad because she’d pushed Him out of her life for so long? She certainly didn’t hate Him, but she had so many unanswered questions. Why had He taken her mother away, leaving her with a father who couldn’t show his love for his only child? Maybe it wasn’t her place to question God’s purpose.